Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thoughts on Connections

So this is non-alcoholic beer, right?
This is another blog post about something not related to computers or code, though I've got a couple of those posts kicking around in my head. I'll try to get one up this weekend, but no promises.

So a couple of days ago my wife shared a photo by Elise Andrew on her Facebook page (IFLS, I'm going to try not to swear here). Through that post I'll link what she linked which is here. Yes, that is an awesome looking jet pack on a toddler. You could probably say that the link is relevant to my interests.

Anyway, we decided that we wanted to do it too. I mean, it's awesome, why wouldn't we want to make one? But to make one we would need some 2-liter bottles. We don't just buy 2-liter bottles though, we buy soda in 2-liter bottles.  I decided to buy some of the soda seen at right.

Now, this soda is fairly tasty on its own. But it can be improved, and quite simply. "How?" you may ask, but I believe that you, dear reader, already know the answer.

If you have not figured it out by the time you read this line, then the images are probably broken. But yes, we added vanilla ice cream to our already tasty root beer so that we might consume our root beer floats.

Tastiness ensued. And that is how a toddler rocket-pack craft project turned into a root beer float.

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